Digital Marketing 2016. Fifth look into the crystal ball

Digital strategy - "Own, Own, Own" (Trend 5/10)

"Owned Media" moves back to center stage

"Own Your Digital Media" is becoming the top mantra of advertising companies. They will increasingly turn to their own websites and apps, as well as their own data and reports. One reason is the bursting of the "free media illusion" of social media. The other, more important, is the increasing distrust of the black box of digital advertising.

Problematic digital advertising is the driver

Companies need to protect themselves in cases where a significant amount of reach is faked by machines (ad fraud). The simplest measure in 2016: link your own websites and apps to campaigns as a control authority. Overall, digital advertising is so largely out of control that we expect discussions about (self-?) regulation.

"Owned Data" and "Owned Reports", will be alternatively

Companies that are advanced in digital communications and digital marketing in 2016 will not expand their dependencies on third parties, but reduce them. For this reason, we expect to see a sharp rise in investment in the company's own digital media resources this year. This includes in-house systems for processing data from digital media. But it also includes qualified people who are able to exploit the potential of big data and smart data for the company. The recruiting battle for digital experts will intensify even further.

Content marketing increases analytics budgets

Content marketing will lead to significant reengineering in companies in 2016. Among other things, cross-channel proofs of success are required. They can only be provided jointly by the "silos" of media and communications. Both departments must have their data from different sources collected and merged in a uniform manner. 2016 will therefore be a year of major analytics investments and associated digital strategy projects.