Digital Marketing 2016. Second look into the crystal ball

Beta of the year: TV targeting (Trend 2/10)

Advertising technology detaches from websites

The advertising technology behind websites and smartphones will in future also be used for TV commercials and digital outdoor advertising. It is thus entering living rooms and streets for the first time. The revolution in TV advertising is beginning.

Soon to be new on TV: Targeting

Targeting, the targeted delivery of messages to different target groups, and "real time," the auctioning of advertising contacts in milliseconds, are entering the TV world. Presumably, it will start with simple geotargeting. Will targeting value propositions for TV be as dubious as for "online"? We think not. The budgets are too big for naivety.

Digital goes out of house

And since digital screens on streets, squares, airports, etc. are basically particularly large smart TVs, 2016 also marks the beginning of a new era in outdoor advertising.