Recognising & evaluating content is a demanding core requirement of media analysis

A recent survey of 132 communicators in German companies shows a clear result: high demands are placed on media analysis in terms of content, and even higher in terms of data integration for integrated reporting. But one thing after the other.

Nearly half of the top 10 priorities of communications executives relate to content discovery and evaluation.

This requires categories that capture in such a way that they are relevant for the respective company. For this purpose, individual search chains must be written and continuously adapted. Contents (keywords) of the search chains are all topics of communication, as well as the desired target contexts (communication goals).

In addition to these semantic competencies, the desired analyses of topic trends require additional technical and mathematical competencies (#Data Science). One must be able to hold the found data oneself and to examine it statistically oneself.

.companion covers all the above requirements - and does so entirely from its own resources.

The second most important requirement is the correlation of the results with data on own communication and competitors

The analysis of the impact relationships between own communication and resonance, between owned and earned, input and output makes maximum demands.
This requires a fully integrated reporting platform such as Content.ONE. It must be able to correlate data about own communication in Owned, Social, Paid with data about visibility/response in Earned Media.

This requires a KPI system that is fully standardized across all channels.
An omnichannel content database that is numerically evaluated with these KPIs.
Process for uniform content tagging on this database.

If you know of a platform that has all of these features and is NOT called Content.One, please give us a call. We actually don't know of any.

individual and yet automated methods for content analysis