"I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say"

Marshall McLuhan

Blackbox GooBook - how P&G's online cuts make them visible.

TLDR: P& G cuts by 78% (!) and German online marketers hardly feel any effects because an estimated 70% of the spendings in D go to BLACKBOX GooBook. Advertisers can neutrally check the efficiency of these investments at any time. A cooperation of the Blackbox is not required.


Top online communication - congratulations!

TLDR: The communications teams of our clients Bosch and Merck win 3 German online communications awards. Even though we are not an agency - we hope our analysis and forecast data have given one or two pointers as to what attractive, relevant and effective communication can look like in times of fragmented media use. And how to promote them as efficiently as possible. We predict: keep it up!


"Comply or Die?" - P&G threatens digital advertising with budget withdrawal

TLDR: A remarkable speech from P&G's chief brand officer. Not the usual inconsequential lament about the untenable state of affairs in the world of digital advertising. Instead, an advertiser speaks of his own complicity in the "digital junk" - and draws all the conclusions he can on his own. One year time to all suppliers to meet 4 demands. "Comply or Die".


Content marketing currency: "Very helpful, like a contrast agent"

TLDR: W&V reports on our "work" on a currency for content marketing. Yes, indeed, it exists, the currency is called Content.ONE and it makes communication across all channels comparable. But no, we're not working on it, it's already ready. As of 2017, every company can have every campaign evaluated according to the new standard.


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