Metrics Bot: CEO Echo Results for December 2024 Fully automated general evaluation. CEO Echo for December 2024: 19% more CEO mentions Last month, the .companion CEO metrics bot found 19% more CEO mentions than the average of the previous months. Overall, 48% of mentions captured by the CEO Echo were generated by editorial online content, while social media [...]
CEO echo (DAX & MDAX) for December 2024
Key figure bot: The CEO echo in December 2024 Fully automated public evaluation. CEO echo in December 2024: 28% fewer mentions of DAX and MDAX managers Last month, the .companion metrics bot found 28% fewer CEO mentions than on average in recent months. Overall, 60% of the CEO echo was generated by editorial online content, with social media accounting for 40%. Overall, the content of the CEO echo activated its readers [...]
CEO Echo (global) results for November 2024
Metrics Bot: CEO Echo Results for November 2024 Fully automated general evaluation. CEO Echo for November 2024: 71% more CEO mentions Last month, the .companion CEO metrics bot found 71% more CEO mentions than the average of the previous months. Overall, 55% of mentions captured by the CEO Echo were generated by editorial online content, while social media [...]
CEO echo (DAX & MDAX) for October 2024
Key figure bot: The CEO echo in October 2024 Fully automated public evaluation. CEO echo in October 2024: 80% more mentions of DAX and MDAX managers Last month, the .companion metrics bot found 80% more CEO mentions than on average in recent months. A total of 81% of the CEO echo was generated by editorial online content, with social media accounting for 19%. Overall, the content of the CEO echo activated its readers [...]
CEO Echo (global) results for October 2024
Metrics Bot: CEO Echo Results for October 2024 Fully automated general evaluation. CEO Echo for October 2024: 69% more CEO mentions Last month, the .companion CEO metrics bot found 69% more CEO mentions than the average of the previous months. Overall, 70% of mentions captured by the CEO Echo were generated by editorial online content, while social media generated 30%. [...]