"I don't necessarily agree with everything that I say"

Marshall McLuhan

"Sentiment. No target, no KPI. Just a practical algorithm. On the sense and nonsense of tonality measurement

Sentiment or tonality analysis is the most requested feature offered by media monitoring and social listening tools. In the Excellence Forum, our confidential benchmarking circle for digital communicators, it has been hotly debated for years. That's because everyone wants it, from C-levels to experts - and at the same time, many know how problematic the measurement process is. Can "sentiment" be used as [...]


Digital Detox Facts: only 0.1 percent want "relevant online advertising".

"We protect their privacy. Now please take some cookies." That's how you could summarize the result of the field study on cookie layers presented by computer science post-doc Martin Degeling at our Excellence Forum #50 in November. One number in particular stuck with us from the great presentation by the researcher from Ruhr University Bochum: 0.1%. That's how many online users voted in empirical [...]


Review Excellence Forum#50: Bäng! Breakthrough into the control loop

Things happen in Berlin that happen less often elsewhere. For example: real breakthroughs. Such was the case at the beginning of November. The 50th Web Excellence Forum - our specialist conference just for digital communicators - took place here, almost exactly 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. A double anniversary, then, pure coincidence. And yet, somehow fitting time and place, this specialist conference was held in [...]


State of Engagement - how do digital platforms generate their "engagements"?

Digital excellence has many facets. One of them is the question of how good the content is that communications and marketing departments play out and promote via platforms on the web and social. The quality of a published content piece is usually measured by the so-called "engagements. We have analyzed how "engagements" behave in a comparison of platforms and [...].


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